Campus Ministry

Lutheran Student Fellowship of Bethlehem

Campus Ministry Volunteer Advisors

Marilyn Gardner, 847 866-9159
Irving Danneil, 847-827-0835
Rev. Mark Broecker, 847-328-3115


On-going Activities


Sunday Morning Worship at Bethlehem – every Sunday, 10:00 a.m.

Join us for worship (with Holy Communion on the second and fourth Sundays) at Bethlehem, 1334 Wesley Avenue, every Sunday. Contact Irving Danneil by 6:00 p.m. Saturday if you need a ride.

Sunday Morning Bible Study at Bethlehem – every Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

Join members of Bethlehem for an informal Bible study before the worship service. Currently we are going through the psalms. Contact Marilyn Gardner by 6:00 p.m. Saturday if you need a ride.

Bethlehem Choir – rehearsals every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.

Choir members are needed at Bethlehem, 1334 Wesley Avenue. Northwestern students would be welcome to join our small choir for fellowship and singing. Rehearsals are generally 45 minutes to an hour long and the choir sings on the second and fourth Sundays of the month as well as on special occasions. Contact Marilyn Gardner by 6:00 p.m. Tuesday if you need a ride.

About Lutheran Student Fellowship Activities

Rides are available to all off-campus events (such as Sunday worship) by calling the church at 847 328-9454 or contacting one of the volunteers listed below. Bethlehem Lutheran Church, a member of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, is located at 1334 Wesley Avenue (Wesley Avenue and Greenwood Street, two blocks west of Ridge Avenue and a block north of Dempster Street.

Officers are needed for the Lutheran Student Fellowship. If you want to help with the activities of the Lutheran Student Fellowship, please contact one of the officers listed above. Since students are busy, there are few official meetings. Much is done by email and telephone.

Help Needed at Bethlehem

If any of you is interested in being a lector, usher, or greeter on a Sunday morning, please contact Bill Danneil at 847-827-0835. He makes up schedules at least a month in advance. Last-minute substitutes are also needed on occasion. Lectors read the first (usually Old Testament) lesson and the epistle lesson. The texts are available at the beginning of the month. Ushers hand out bulletins as people enter the sanctuary, help with the collection of offerings, help people down the altar steps after communion, and dismiss people after the service. Greeters open the front door as people arrive and welcome them with a friendly “good morning,” answering any questions that a visitor might have (where’s the restroom? where do I hang my coat? etc.).

Other Possibilities

Reading Week study hideaway at the church, with (free) food and beverages available, is a possibility.

Possible “one-shot” service activities in the community are being considered, such as serving at local soup kitchens. If you have an interest in such things or if you have suggestions, contact one of the advisers listed below.

The members of Bethlehem know that you are very busy with your studies and social life on campus, so we want to help in whatever ways we can. Please let us know your needs. An anonymous note snail mailed to “Campus Ministry” at the church, 1334 Wesley Avenue, Evanston 60201 would start the ball rolling if you don’t want to make personal contact. Of course, we can always use your help in planning and executing things. If you’re willing, we would be very grateful.